Idk really know be honest ha. When shot went off felt good and felt like held in right spot. Not finding blood at impact tho. Here's arrow has some white hair on it. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
I've tracked her to the neighbors. She bleeding steady with few big spots. Think I'm gonna back out tho just because. Direction she's headed is all open feild. And couple spots can see its coming put both sides Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
One more day then i will be out in the woods, and even better my favorite hunting partner(my dad) will be out with me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well pretty sure she's down or least hurt bad somewhere. As went back out to field edge where stand was the two little ones came out and trotted across field alone. Sat there watching till dark and she never ae out. Gonna go home and change and eat for little bit then grab light and go looking. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Well I decided to take day off tomorrow and go out and try to get a buck on the ground Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats on the buck, Frantic! Sat for 5 hours this afternoon, zero deer seen. This property has become a ghost town. 77 degrees tomorrow, awesome!
Well after circling around in the dark and trying to figure out where I was we got her drug out. She probably only went 60 yards from where shot her. And shot was better, hit about midway up on right side and came out at armpit. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Thanks guys, it was pretty eventful leading up to shot. Her and 2 little ones came out and mulled around for awhile then she came over to almost base of tree. Whole time they were behind me so I was facing the tree looking back and never had chance to grab bow. She ended up 10 ft from base of tree. Then she kinda spooked back and thought she winded me or saw me move, even tho I was barely moving. Then the other two joined her all within 5 yards of tree. She finally walked back out to path leading to my stand facing away from me so I decided to say screw it and go for my bow, even tho other two were right there. I was able to get bow and clip release on. She started circling around a group of little trees and was goin to give me a broadside shot at 20 yard. She stopped with her head behind tree so I drew back and I stood there at full draw for what felt like forever until she finally cleared the trees and as soon as she stopped I squeezed the trigger. Arrow looked like it hit right where I had the pin and she spun and took off. I really can't say for certain what happen when I released the arrow but at first I felt I may have aimed little low. Waited 15-20 mins and climbed down to look at hour and didn't find a drop of blood at impact. I'm sure it was my own head messing with me seeing as this is the first deer in probably 3 years I didn't watch drop after shooting it with bow. She really didn't go far and we spent more time trying to figure out how to get back to side by side cause got little turned around looking at nothing bit ground following blood for while ha. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk