Well I was scheduled to be off today and tomorrow, but I've been struggling so much this year I decided to come in and work some overtime. I know that I should probably be hunting, but oh well. 20 extra hours of OT helps pay the bills. Good luck to everybody in the woods. I will be back at it on Monday. After next Wednesday, I have 8 days off. Just trying to get my batteries recharged for that.
If you shoot a big one, your going to have to list your shoes in the score sheet for equipment! Good luck and fill that tag
Think I'm going to be sick. Just shot a big mature KS buck. I know I got back. Liver shot I believe. Super dark red blood. Doesn't smell like guts though. Was bleeding pretty good las I saw him. Pass through. Pics of arrow included. I got back in my stand going to glass and look for the next hour or so. Thoughts on blood? I see no bubbles. Sorry I was having a hard time holding the phone still.
Looks like liver, give him a long time to die, if he bedded down he will be there just wait him out, go home if you can take a nap and take up the trail this evening Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sign on the arrow looks promising. Any white hairs at all? Could have gotten back of lungs as well. Give him time, 9am, you have plenty of it and still able to use daylight. Good luck
Slick Trick Standards. Was thinking give him till 2 or 3 then go after it. Last time I saw him he was about 120 yards walking straight away. Hard to pick out landmarks though. I'm way up on a ridge and he walked into the bottoms about 100ft below me.
My friend just a down there in a stand too. He is going to sit and glass a while. Then come out. If he walks straight east he should be good walking away. The deer kind of went down in a bowl and I don't think he will come out.
Bucked, Ran about 20 yards tail up, then tail down walking gingerly. Lot of blood coming out the entrance wound. Down the ridge, crossed the creek pretty gingerly then walking straight away last I saw him. Seemed to have a wobble to him last I saw him.
Sounds like a dead deer to me, if blood was pouring out as you describe he's probably already down. If he's dead now, he'll still be dead in a few hours. No reason to chance it just in case
Yeah I know he is hurt bad and pretty much a river of blood 2 -3 inches wide was pouring down his side. I was honestly expecting him to fall over from blood loss before he got out of sight. Be when he crossed the creek then walked out of sight I got worried.
Frantic...wait 4 to 6 hrs. I made a shot just like that on a buck. I backed out slowly and came back 6 hrs later. Found him stiff as a board not 50 yds from the point I last saw him.
Yeah I think you got it down pretty well with the 4 to 6 hours waiting. I liver shot a 3.5 year old a couple of years back. He made it 200 yards and when I found him 4 hours later there was blood all over the place. Showing sign he was bedding down but dying. Your a smart man. Best of luck to you. I hope you don't have to drag him up that 100ft incline
That's the idea. Think I'm go by to head back in at 2. That would be around 6-7 hours. On my way out I crossed his blood trail about 10 yards into it. Found a few bubbles. May have got offside lung. Not sure if liver ever has any minimal bubbles. Never have had a liver shot before. For about 30 yards I could plainly see a good blood trail until the hill drops over. Blood was super bright red at that point.