I think most rutting activity is happening night due to the warm temperatures and full moon. It is going to take a good temperature drop for daylight movement to pick up. That being said, I killed my buck on 11/12 went the high was 58 on Saturday after being 75 on Friday.
Hope you guys don't mind me sharing because it is not a bow kill. My soon to be 10 yr old shot his first deer tonight. Shot a button buck with a muzzleloader. He is so excited. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Took this whole wee off from being in the stand, because I don't want to fill my tag since we are headed to Duluth mn on the weekend to hit the woods hard, hopefully going to be some arrows flyin at our farm up there!
Well my last sit in Ohio. I'm hoping for some good things this morning. Even though I haven't killed it's been a good hunt and I've learn some things if I get to come back here. Good luck to everyone out today. Be safe. Blessings..........Pastorjim
Oh man, just had a monster 10 come in at about 20yds, I think he responded to my can call. He was in some thicker stuff and I couldn't get a shot. He looked around and headed back the way he came. Man that'll get your blood flowing in a hurry! Blessings..........Pastorjim
No hunting for me this morning. I have been seeing a nice buck with a doe the past two afternoons about 200 yards from my house. So today is ambush day. Not real sure where the popping out at but hoping he will respond to a call if I sit up to far down. Either way if he pops out I will be able to see him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
After hunting 16 days in a row, I'm mentally and physically exhausted so I took today off. Back to work tomorrow for a day, then hunting Friday as my last hunting day before heading back to work full time this weekend. GOOD luck guys!