I got in extremely quiet. I'm 20 yds from the bedding area. If they are locked down with does, I just need one to leak out and feed on these oaks....with a big boy in tow. My theories sound great but in reality they just suck. Hahaha.
All set up. I really wish the wind would blow the direction it was forecasted for. Supposed to be West right now. Instead I have a nice Southeast breeze. Fantastic. I just can't beat the wind down here. Its almost every single hunt that the wind will blow from every direction. Gotta love hunting on a giant peninsula with the Mississippi all around it.
Good luck this morning Brett. My plan is very similar. I'm hunting a new spot downwind (or supposed to be anyways) if a bedding area. I'm hoping the same thing you are. All it takes is one deer.
I've got the same idea, about 30 yards downwind right beside some sawtooth oaks....That bastard has to move during the day at sometime....
All set up in a tent blind with my son. Trying for his first deer. He is using a muzzleloader. It will b his first deer so hopefully we see something. Good luck to all who are out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heading out now....... to school. This sucks. Good luck guys I'll be watching. Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
Cool and damn here. Minimal winds and overcast. I walked in 3/4 mile and didn't use a flashlight bc of the mega moon.
Love thst nw wind thats coming from the se! Not surprising tho.... Let's do this Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
All set up, kicked something up on way in. Should of left house earlier. Just getting light tho and already saw a little doe and turkey. Cool and calm out right now, said 37 when left house bu it doesn't feel that cold. Good luck guys. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Little doe just ran back by chased by young buck. Young and in love ha Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Just had a doe come in from the nw.. you know the direction the wind is supposed to be blowing from but noooo se and deer blowing at me from the nw lol Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk