Congrats All. Great bucks. For those that responded to me talking about moving my stand. It is done, property owner just west had been contacted so I am good to go. I was worried about noise/ scent / generally screwing up the area. I use an actual lineman's climbing belt and tools to hang stands. I used scent away in all and tried to really be careful. It must have worked, I was standing on my stand finishing the tree strap and I hear a commotion behind me. It is a spike making a beeline for the trail I am on. He hangs around the bottom of my tree for about 10 minutes. At 1 point he touched my utility rope with his nose! I think I am OK! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Arrow only came half way out the exit side..curious why that might be Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just got set up and checked the camera that shooter has been back twice, once in the middle of the night and he ran through chasing something at 10am today so hoping he comes back through if not I'll be here in the am ready for him!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wasn't meant to be. Crossed the path upwind, whether he got a whiff of me or something else he was definitely being cautious. See if he comes back around. Decent 8, nothing OMG. I'll eat him though
You did say the shoot was quartering didn't you...probably got on a rib and took the energy out of the arrow.
I'm struggling. Just got on stand. Got to the spotl of mine at 1 and found the remnants of 50 Marine mres....digging spots, etc all over the thicket. 0 buck sign. Walked over 2 miles. Hauled *** back to truck and tried to sneak up on a doe bed with this wind....wrong. jumped a half dozen does. Only snorted once and booked. I said screw it and set up right where they vacated. Maybe I'll get lucky. Who the heck knows.
Guess who sat the wrong stand this morning...that's right,me This guy came past at 9:30,couldn't have shot him but could have got some good video at the least Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Leaf just blew by my face, tried snort wheezing at it, but it just kept goin, Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Some days out here I feel mentally challenged. what the F am I doing? Today is one of those days.