One other hunter was here, same stand I shot mine Monday. Said he shot a Nontyp 7 pointer. Said 3 beams on one side. Asked how big he said, the body is big. My day will slow a bit as he recovers it. Several blowing as he walked up. He might get a few on their feet for me. Positive thoughts
I really thought about shooting him because I need the meat but I still have the IL gun season for that. I will say it has been a long week in the woods thats for sure. I've enjoyed it but still long!
Lol, still cracking up. He asked if he should wait up top until I was done to recover. Told him to go ahead, i'd be here til dark or I shoot one. His eyes got big and looked at me like I was crazy High schoolers
I jumped one this morning that was at a scrape near my stand. So I know of! I'm a needle in a haystack out here.. 9000ac......392,040,000 sqft Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk