looking for some input.... regarding hunting Hill country. I scouted in mid October, found the military crest, and found a bucks run. The run was not impressive, only active rubs were on small 1 inch saplings. There is evidence of bigger bucks from a few years ago on 3 to 4 inch diameter trees. Nothing recent. At the time I figure there is nothing really good going through there. Did I get it dead wrong? Will the mature bucks be walking the military crest of the hill only during the rut? If there was mature bucks in the area, wouldn't they be walking it the whole time? Only reason why am asking is because I'm thinking of throwing a hell Mary, I can only hunt tomorrow and Saturday, and then the season is over on Tuesday. It's a one and three-quarter mile walk, so I was thinking about going in after sunrise, run and gun style. I already know the general area I can hang and hunt. Looking for some experienced thought and input. Here's the hill in the saddle. The orange line represents the bucks run. The red dots were potential Treestand spots. Just ignore them, and the white line
My God Holt what a beast you got there. Many congratulations to you and everyone who gets to hear it 1st hand. What state are you hunting in again
I got tired of the wind and deerless scenery so rather waste anymore time i relocated back into this tall grass where ive been seeing does. Im starting to feel like ive lost control on what im even doing. Cant believe im not even seeing small bucks with does. Feels like im getting desperate with a couple days left of the season.
South, Clay Co today and tomorrow, then way down Jackson Co for 5-6 days. Just had a big spike pass at 8 yards. Felt good to see a deer at least
Swamp. My opinion is to go hunt it and find out. That eastern side looks fairly steep, so I don't know if they'll be using that piece as a saddle. Could just be bucks cruising it. Which means be prepared to sit a long time without seeing much. I don't take to much from quantity of rubs. Bucks around here don't leave them as much as other areas. That could be the same for you. The wetlands might be worth looking into as well if it's thick.