ummm.....those are called unicorns. tread could be labelled something on here if you mention those!!
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have moved. Got dead still about 4. Glassing through the woods and the 9 we are after is 5 yards from the tree of the stand I moved about 130 today. He got within 30. No shot. Thems the breaks I guess.
I had an awesome sit tonight. Through the binoculars I watched a doe come out about 300 yards away, look behind her and start trotting. Sure enough, a young 6 that I saw earlier in the season was hot on her trail. Then a small buck, possibly a spike horn came out on the same trail followed by what looked to be a crotch horn. The 6 point had her going back and forth all through the brush on that hillside. As far as rut activity goes, it was one of the best displays I have ever seen.
Decent all day sit. 7 deer total 4 bucks 3 does all within the first and last 2 hours of the day. Got a lot of reading done so that was nice I suppose.
I'll be out in the morning. While the rut is still on I'll probably shoot a doe if one offers up a shot. Processor called and said my buck was ready, called tgis morning and they still had the cape. Taxi's wife was supposed to pick up one eveninh after work. Hoping she picked it up tonight or can tomorrow. Will really help keep me in the tree. Hoping he calls me back shortly.
ended up seeing 7 does. now I moved and found the does and have no bucks. going to a clearcut I only hunted once before. not sure how it is going to go? supposed to be 14 mph wind. I have never in my life had a season as windy as this. see you guys in the am. 4:00am comes fast heading to bed shortly.
Nice, taxi's wife just called. Said she picked him up tonight so he is there now. Makes it a lot easier for me to humt now, just a matter of getting the time to pick up my meat now. See ya in the AM!
Can you guess who showed up on Sunday morning at 9:15 am during the Sunday bow hunt last week while I was at breakfast with the family!
I'll have the kids out for youth hunt this weekend. After my oldest broke his arm last week and had pins put in today I'd love to see him pull the trigger and drop a giant.