Getting ready to head to the stand! Going to be a great morning coldest morning of the year and Trump won last night things are looking good! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They cut 2 corn fields on surrounding properties yesterday. This morning driving in there were deer every where! Had 3 does walk by me as I was getting dressed at the truck! Good luck today guys! Kill a monster for me!
Getting ready to walk in, hoping for the best today. Good luck to all who are out. Be safe. Blessings..........Pastorjim
this morning I wanted to be out in the rain but I have to go get blood work done. I forgot to fast early enough last night so it might delay me more. grrr!!
Running a little behind my norm. But I should still be in 40 minutes before sun up. It's chilly here, truck is reading 33. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been set up since 5 and been hearing deer move threw the swamp grass all morning so far. Have heard 2 grunts. Good luck guys!
All set up in the tree by 5 this morn. Wind swirled a lil and something blew at me about 60 yards to the east. But didn't run off. I've been hearing deer all around so far this morning. Hoping something shows itself at daylight. Good luck everybody!
Waiting on the rain to fade a bit a before I enter. Shows it slowing down between 10 and about 2, so that is when I will be on stand.
One of those mornings where everything goes wrong. Slept in a little too long. Then tried to hunt an impossible location and wouldn't you know it, blew out some deer. Also got a concussion by hitting head off my stand. But I'm here! Let's see what this rain brings me.
Been setup for 10-15 minutes and had a little buck walk in from of me at about 10 yards. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just had a small buck doing a fast walk around a field edge. To far to tell what he is, looked like a 8 pt with short tines.
I've been in the stand set up for a little while now. I bumped a doe and 2 fawns on the way in, but they ran the opposite direction from where I'm expecting deer to come from so that's a plus. I would really like to get a closer look at the buck we saw last night. I have some pics of him and haven't decided whether he's 3 or 4. Either way, he doesn't have much for a rack, just a big body and looks mature. Small rack and a tad bit heavy, hmm...hasn't stopped me before.
Set up right on a thicket That I saw deer going on and out of Monday perfect wind in my face Best of luck everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk