Lol, I was just going to respond to Kennyg that if he walks by tomorrow I think I would have to consider passing........ An arrow through the offside lung :evil:
didnt see crap today.... must push on....mustn't give up....will be back at it tom morn with a West Wind!!! i actually have stands for that. haha screw these east winds
Well we had a change of plans from our planned hunt this evening. We had just parked the truck and were getting everything ready when we hear a tractor coming. Yep, guys were coming to work up ground. So, we decided to leave and drive 1.5 hours to our farm to do a hang and hunt. We ended up seeing a button buck and a spike, so we at least had some action. I'll be back at it in the morning again at our little farm. I've got a couple landowner tags in my pocket, so maybe I'll give a doe the ol wooden shaft.
Go back and remeasure it a 3rd time You get 4 mass measurements on all bucks, even spikes. Take your 4th measurement half way from G3 to MB tip on both beams. Just noticed your scorecard, he may not be the 133 but definitely bigger than 116
Dammit haha I'll check it out tomorrow never measured a buck before Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm confused, what are the 12" measurements? Edit: I see you say you corrected it, my bad! Might want to update your sheet though or it won't be accepted.
230 am wake up..... yup...haven't seen a deer in 8 sits.......determined to get it done today..... wife's birthday.... LOL!! Sorry hunny there's always next year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
28°. Dead calm, hard frost. Should make for an amazing morning in the woods. Going to be heading to my new spot that I found on Saturday, which is actually not new, because I used to hunt the same spot years ago. I'm going to be in a different tree though, the tree I was in on Saturday had loose bark, therefore was very noisy. Seeing as I'm in this bucks playground, and it's so quiet this morning, I can't take any chances. There are a few other street trees nearby within 5 yards. Going to have to make a quick decision in the dark on which one to go up in my climber. I think Weibo hunters are the only ones who understand each other. The look on my father-in-law's face when I told him I was getting up at 2:30 in the morning to go hunt confirm to that. My wife's questioning of it, I Schoors me my thought is true. I'll check in from the stand in an hour and a half from now. Everyone have a safe climb up this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do you know where you are? You're in the jungle baby, you're going to die! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck Joe !! It's gonna be a good morning for you!!!! Man I almost just said screw it and was thinking about sleeping in but it's 35 here and that doesn't happen in this part of NC often they have to be on their feet today!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wind really isn't ideal for any stand, but hopefully noses are to the ground and not in the air. Good luck everyone, hope it is your day today