Incredible last half hour of the hunt. Rattled in 3 bucks to within 70 yards. 1 was a 135-140 10 pt. 1 was a 115 8 and the one I wanted to shoot was a 155-165 10. He worked a scrape at 65 yards broadside but I wasn't comfortable with that shot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Coyotes get an arrow flung at no matter the distance! The thought never crossed my mind to shoot him. Didn't want the trend of wounded bucks to continue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Evidently the bucks did not get the memo that the screwing around was over, had 4-6 mature does with fawns on the plot and the only buck that had the courtesy to show was a dink 6 point. Then again 70 degrees on November 6th is not right.
Heading out in the morning, going to the farm I haven't hunted in 3 weeks but my buddy got a nice 6 there on Halloween, I'll be in a stand overlooking a nice thick marshy area hoping to catch some bucks moving through it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm heading to the property now, hope to be in a tree in a hour. Day 3 of all day sit and going to be the best weather yet. Should see some action this morning!
Not a fan of dst either!!! I was liking being able to get up at 5:30 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is this spring turkey.....430 and I'm on my way....plan on sitting all day service where I am at though....good luck gentleman! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
Leaving soon, good luck all. Only a 10 min drive. I hope it's still rocking where I'm headed. Sunday was no hunting so I didn't venture down, I thought about it to just sit. We will find out soon enough
Heading out Hoping to see some type of movement today Was suppose to be off all week again this week but think I will heading back to work tomorrow Temps for Friday and Saturday look great so I'll be back then if not successful today Good Luck everyone and please be safe! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Up in the stand, it's a pain getting into it, the one beach that gave me pretty good cover seems to have come down so I'm pretty exposed up here but it's whatever, the only shot I can really take is about a 5-7 yarder, can't see any further than that besides out into the marsh/thick crap hoping I atleast see something today haven't seen anything in a week, walked in with fresh estrous on my boots, came acriss several fresh buck tracks in the field hoping one catches that scent and heads this way. Good luck all oh and just in good spirits here's a before light treestand selfie Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok guys l, just rolled into my spot and ready to walk in. Good luck to everyone out today. Let's git-r-done today boys! Blessings...........Pastorjim