Glad your okay Virginia, that is scary stuff!! Congrats to those following (and not) that got it done today. Thanks all for following along with me. I'm worn out - will hunt in the morning and go back and look for him for a few hours. He got to the top of a ridge (steep hill) found blood couldn't tell if he went left, right or down the other side. It was a tough track through a lot of different terrain. I really enjoyed reading your comments it kept us pushing! Thanks
ive been there vs. mine was tied together but it got twisted somehow and i couldnt get to it easily. My phone died and i was by myself. it got hairy. glad your ok! Here ya go guys, I found my buck. Hope you enjoy. Sent from a piece of paper, tied to a rock.
Have tomorrow and Tuesday off work. Be in a tree first thing. Can't wait!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I had this happen to me back in 2002, when I bought my first LW sit and climb, which didn't come with connecting straps. I didn't know any better at the time, so I hunted without them. As I looked down after the platform slipped down about 6ft, I had to figure a way to get it back up to me, as I had nobody around. I took my pull rope and a couple of those screw hooks and tied them together like a grappling hook. I lowered it down until I hooked the platform securely, and pulled that bad boy right back up to me! I couldn't believe how well it worked. lol Lesson learned. After that I installed connecting straps.
tomorrow I will kill!!!!!!!!!!!!! today I finally got across a river I have been waiting a month for it to subside to be able to cross it. today I crossed it to a hidden orchard that has been one of my treasured spots. I got in there and wow! tore up!!! the one bonus is a lot of doe sign which means bucks will be in there looking. buck or doe is going down. this is last week for PA so I don't have much time left. time to get it done!!! touch back here in the Am.
I ended up seeing 47 deer and 26 turkeys tonight. Nothing was close, but it was good to see where all the deer were coming from.
See ya just before sunrise. Gonna go to the far stand I've never sat before daylight. Such a long walk, but have a gut feeling something good will happen there.