Football game over, should have went hunting Time to get gear ready for tomorrow, think I might shoot a doe if one presents a shot, going to be nearly 70 again. After tomorrow temps drop each day the rest of the week.
I'm sorry guys. We lost it these are like strip pits and he went to the top of one and we can't tell if he went right or left or down we are not going to find this deer
You better keep looking because I drained my battery by hitting refresh every 3 seconds. What am I supposed to do the rest of the night? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
See if someone has a tracking dog. As much blood as you have found that deer is gonna die. You have come so far don't give up.
It's been a crazy night tonight already in Miami Valley ohio. Had 2 real nice bucks come in. I might regret not shooting one of them at the end of the year. This came on a hot doe Second one was looking for the doe
Sycamore that deer is dead, you just have to find him. Quartered away, big cut expandable, arrow still in him and that much blood. You almost had to clip one lung and definitely hit liver. That's a fatal hit. How hard was he quartering? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk