That's a lot of blood for the distance he has went. Looks to be more muscle blood now, either arrow and broadhead still in tearing stuff up or he has a gaping exterior wound. Impressive, hopefully he's down soon.
There is a dark leaf there that looks like a clot. I chalked the few bubles in that pic up to dew as he said it was shaded and damp
You'll find him, don't give up until there's no blood left to be found! And you'll probably be on top of him haha
Seeing any spray? Starting to look like lung blood, maybe coughed it up as the lung is filling from clotting up?
I think you are pushing him but I think you need to keep at it now so he exhausts himself or you may never find him as he will clot up and die without a trace.
My dad is wity me had quadruple bypass 6 months ago. We are going to have to carry him outta here! Glad to have him with me for this journey no matter the result