With 3 people and open field, one of you should head across the field, look for blood in the direction he traveled, the other two stay on the blood trail. Hopefully he's crashed in the beans.
I'm just wondering if that clot picture wasn't where he was hunkered down and the bleeding slowed, stood up and ripped the clot off. All the puddles along the way are where he was wanting to stop but kept getting pushed. If he's stopping that often he's hurting pretty good one would think. Just thinking out loud, trying to create a story with the pics...
Thank you - did that and they found glood along the filed edge he didn't cross other than climbing a decent size hill he's taken the path of least resistance
The blood on the outer perimeter was dry. Shot him at 7:45 am and didn't pick up blood trail until 1:30ish waited as long as I could. I don't think we are pushing him.
I think right now your will to find him only has to outlast his will to survive. They're tough but not invincible, just can't let him clot up. So he stayed on the field edge? Wonder if he's going to loop back the way he came...
If there is water near by have someone check it. If you haven't found blood for awhile you might consider a grid search.
He's passed water multiple times. Last blood was pretty consistent with what we've been seeing definitely dry other than where he's clotted up
You know they really need a "live" button so we can follow along with stuff like this. Nothing helps better then 50 guys in a stand with nothing to do but look around.