Not to be a downer but I have hit 2 deer in the shoulder with 2-3 inch penetration and did not recover either none. Muscle blood that diminished with in 100-150 yards. Happened the same year. That was not a good year for me. One was a nice buck. The other a doe. The blood trail will tell u how well it was hit. But I would wait a few hours Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just had a fork horn come in to some light rattling...could have easily drilled him, but want something a little bigger...might regret that at the end of the season if my freezer is still empty....that's 2 bucks seen today though..... seen a small 8 this morning, he just wouldn't come close enough to have a bad day... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No I meant I watched him run way out of sight so I looked up to 30 yards Not looking good, fellas,,, grid searching now
If you dig under the leaves a bit, you may get lucky and find some beetle larvae. They're pure protein and actually quite scrumptious!
The only thing good about this hot weather is one of the guys is going in for lunch. I told him to drop off a pizza for me on his way back since I am sitting a field edge and he can drive right by
I'm outta here, nothing but squirrels. Apparently it's too warm and a bit early yet. I'll be back Thursday for 10 days straight. Later and good luck guys!
I was very very tempted to shoot a fork horn that came by....really wanting some meat in the freezer, and can't find a doe to take care of that.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wednesday, if I haven't put one down by then, is the day. That's when the next high pressure qill be moving in bringing the cooler air with it.
Good luck tracking guys! Tony same thing happened to a guy last night. Never found arrow and bright red blood. Lost blood after 100 yards. Came back this morning and they found him dead in the next ravine down in a marsh. He hit shoulder and broke it, but it punched thru enough to hit vitals.
Back on stand for the evening. I sleep in and went out for breakfast, much needed. The last 2 nights I have been tracking deer with buddies after hunting all day and I'm tired! So in the last 3 days there has been 3 big buck taken, this is definitely the rut!
Your not allowed in this thread LOL!!!! Good luck, hope you kill!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I will be headed to the stand, that is close enough. I will be on my phone from the stand as soon as the arrow flies.
Well we just hit this buck with my brother in laws truck. Sucks I hunt all weekend and then hit a deer heading home.