Good luck on the recoveries guys. You should wait also, Tony. Like others have said, only chance is him losing a LOT of blood.
well not to contradict myself or to make matters worse or to be ""THAT GUY"", aka devils advocate, If its not fatal and he lays down and it clots, he will live. if he gets pushed, the wound won't heal and he might bleed out? again sorry, just thinking out loud
Headed out now to help a buddy track a deer he shot yesterday at 4 PM. Sounds like a liver hit so he backed out and we're going out now to look. Double drop tine buck
Without snow it's a damn hard track. Snow you probably seen drops here and there that would have been missed without it. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I have heard of guys trying "push" a wounded deer to induce heavier bleeding. If you have a decent size are you hunt you might try it. Maybe try to push him once then back out.
You're exactly right. It wasn't the easiest track job. Snow was the reason I found it. That's why I made sure to mention that. Didn't want to make it sound like it was easy. I even had to follow tracks. Probably shouldn't have mentioned finding this one.
I go home and watch every football game on tv right now and maybe start in the morning. We tracked a doe last year 3 miles after she was bumped the first time. Finally found her but it wasn't fun
If you know he has gone away from where you hit him, you could snoop around to see how much blood there is. If those 3" were still in him as he ran off they're tearing things up inside.
I have to little bucks posturing right in front of me. And just fought until one ran off like a *****
Nice bright red blood, just not much of it there Tony....I don't know what to tell you....I followed great bright red blood for 700 yds on what I thought was a heart shot and didn't find the deer.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk