By you're tone, I'm assuming you found all but the 3" with the broadhead on it? That sucks Tony. Shoulder?
Good sycamore. Take your time, you have ALL day. Anything appears out of the ordinary and tells your brain to stop...stop and back out for 2 to 3 hours. Post a pic of the arrow if you find it. Where did you hit the buck?
so he was hard quartering away? and you tried splitting the middle between the ham and front shoulder?
I'm in the same boat Shocker. I was going to take off all this coming week. Changed that to the week of the 14th.
I guess I used up all my action yesterday bcuz its non existent this morning. I am glad I have this thread it gets me through the tough times of a hunt.
Seen a doe, 2 spikes, and a button buck this morning on our farm. Its been a good sit so far. Just waiting on something a little bigger.
If you poked anything good then he is filling up with blood right now. No exit wound unless the shot came in low then you might get some dribble. I HOPE you hit something vital.
absolutely wait......AT LEAST 8 hours.. i know it sucks, but if you bump him, you will never find him. if you wait...there is a very very good chance you will find him dead not to far away WAIT