Been set up for a while in my favorite spot. Saw 3 bucks crossing the road driving to the property. I am in the spot watching the area where I post most of my big buck trail camera pics. As I am typing this a coyote must have gotten some breakfast. That was a nasty screech. Good luck everyone!
Finally in the woods again, hunting my buddy's 5 acre farm, trying to get him his first archery deer. Not many deer here but hopefully at least a doe strolls through.
Well back up in the stand this morning. Different farm. Going to go hunt the farm where I missed the Big 8 last night tonight and see if he doesn't make the same mistake twice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
couldnt bare the thought of sleeping in on a 39 degree morning. so here i am...... in a stand. good luck today everybody!
Despite my best efforts I bumped into every deer on the property walking to my stand.. Great morning though, so still. Had a button buck come into the decoy. Hopefully something interesting will show up I don't have much time this morning.
Good luck everyone, probably a good thing I sat out today. My neck is stiff as a board from two days of wrenching it looking to my left and right, especially Friday. I can't turn much to my left at all and that's where most deer come from amd where I have shot last two bucks. Heat pad and Naproxen all day for me
One last day here at work and then hopefully I begin to hunt hard tomorrow. I say hopefully because I've been up since 2am this morning with some of the worst back pain I've ever had. I hope it settles down cause I was planning on hitting it hard in two states in the next couple of weeks. Seriously, this pain is really fierce and I don't think I could sit in a stand very long. Heck, the way I feel this morning I don't know if I could even climb a tree. We wait all year for this two week period and then this. Hopefully it improves alot by tomorrow. Good luck to everyone out today. Blessings..........Pastorjim
And my teammate! I'm in a blind I could see from the other stand i hunted yesterday morning and I saw at least 5 or 6 different bucks in front of it. So far I've seen nothing today.
Had a good sit yesterday morning, saw some chasing around 8am, things are picking up . Good luck everyone
Good luck boys! After getting up at 430 for 6 days in a row, I needed to sleep in to regain my sanity. I'll be back on stand by 1pm! Multiple people will kill deer this morning.
Quiet morning here except for the turkeys. I think I have heard more gobbles this fall than ever before.
Well yesterday seen all sorts of excitement see nothing today. Drove tractor till midnight with my 13 yr old hunting buddy/good luck charm son and he didn't make it out today.
Haven't seen a thing yet. Have about 2 hours till I have to get down. Damn bucks all over though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk