The 150" ten pointer that I have a bunch of pictures of came out the last 15 minutes on the other end of the corn field
Adult beverages tonight, bit of football tomorrow and then balls to the wall all week. A bit too much human traffic on the weekends, wait until school is back in is my best bet. Need to give my clothing a good treatment as well. I prefer the option to be able to move when I start getting deterred, knowing I'm the only one there assures me the entire property to move about. Probably take one or both lonewolfs as well, set one up and if ai like it leave it and look for a second, need to get a new stamd set up for gun season as well.
Good sit tonight with my daughter. Multiple bucks including a shooter cruising and chasing doe. I love this time of year! Heading out in the morning for a quick sit.
i had one lonely doe tonight feeding on acorns @ 25 yds. i was going to add her to the freezer but thought she'd be better bait. i shoulda let her have it i guess. she was the only deer i saw till i was driving away and saw some sneaking through the timber in my headlights. Might sleep in with the fam tomorrow then hunt the evening and head south.
Sleeping in tomorrow as well, going to hunt the afternoon then probably the next 3 mornings Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here's the video from those screen shots earlier today. Only seen one little buck trailing a doe after that.
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
Realy liking the looks of the forecast, for what it is anyway. Monday lools to be the warmest day of the week at 68, chance of rain Tue. but that shoyld at least give clouds and cooler temps, I love sitting a misty/light rain day. Seems like the bucks have to get up and move more as scent doesn't travel or keep as well. After that it is a steady fall through the weekend with highs dipping to the mid 50's and perhaps our first frost this time next week. Probably should have taken next week off, but no regrets. Start with the bow(crossbow) end with it instead of shotgun/handgun.
Just realized, this will be the first time in 8 years I get to have that "extra" hour of sleep. I've hunted it the past 8 years so it's always been negated. My internal clock wakes me up at 5am anyway, so will wake up at 4 instead of 3
Yeah, I was! I have him on trail cam a couple of times. Always at night. I never thought he was going to pop out tonight. I almost shot a tall 8 and then like an hr later or something out pops the big 8!