Skunked. Again I think that makes eight sits now without seeing anything. The good news is I can only hunt two more times till the end of the season, then I get to start planning for next year! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Big 8 just came in fast didn't have time to range put my 20 pin on him and shot right under. ****!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just spooked two does and a pheasant on the way to my stand. I hope that's not the end of my wild life encounters for the day
Full draw, those pics make him look a lot bigger then he is. 125" max those pics r just at great angles
I can't wait to get back out tomorrow... I am not used to being so limited in my days off like this ,,, I am killing anything that is older than a fawn if given the chance... I need back straps... see you all in the am!
congrats guys! I seen nothing after the few at daybreak. man that makes for a long day. deer church tomorrow then back at it Monday morning.