An all day sit with out much activity makes for a long *** day. Temps are starting to drop so hopefully the action will pick up.
Been up in the stand for an hour, two left to go. New stand, new property. Let's go! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
these east winds are killing me. i just made a new set and im not happy. gonna stick it out. have a good vantage point from here. it was crazy here yesterday and dead today. oh yea silly me... i forgot my thermacell in NOVEMBER!!!!!!
Toughest part of my day, knowing the deer have akready moved through but have sat too long to leave now. Think in 7 years I have seen 2 deer down here within 1 1/2 hours til sunset
Annual reminder, if you use your phone for an alarm clock set your alarm an hour earlier tonight. Or any clock that auto updates
If there are no deer in the woods I'm huntin, is it still considered the rut? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk