Yea, but most likely if you got caught, it would be animal cruelty/abuse/disturbing wildlife... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All set out of work a little late so left the camera gear in the truck and came in light....sitting 20ft up waiting on some magic to happen...little warm but it is November 5th....anything can happen Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The deer hunting song.. Headed out to my old deer stand back in the pines.... gonna get me a 10 point buck with 11 inch tines yeaaah. Backwoods Boy By Josh Turner Lyrics Video - YouTube ON my way!
Well OH was a bust. Might've gotten there too early. Had a 4 point come by last night and returned this morning to find a fresh scrape by my stand. Looked like a decent size track too. Back to civilization where I can keep up with important things in life, like Live from the stand. Good luck to everyone that is out right now. Earning a few extra brownie points by taking the woman gambling tonight and then back to PA to hunt.
Just had doe and fawns S of me, of course the SE wind starts blowing from the north. Didnt't blow or whiteflag, but did a 90 degree twirl and then calmed and walked into the woods
In the blind with my oldest for the evening. Really hoping that tonight I finally kill one he is with me. Nothing legal is safe if it comes in range.
Finally set up after daughters soccer game. Have 2 hours to kill. 60 degrees and working a creek cross leading up to a thicket trail.
Thanks everyone. Biggest buck to date with a bow. He's going on the wall Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been in the tree for about an hour now, West wind 12-13mph, just got settled in and two does came from behind me and went right under me into the thicket about 30 yards away, sat this set this morning till noon, saw probably 8-9 does, 2 button bucks and a big bodied 4 pt. Drug a estrus scent line in behind me for the last 80yards to my stand on my way in! Two more hours of daylight, hoping a shooter comes by!
I walked 3/4 the way to stand 1/2 mile walk once in Oct. Had to get past the house and no trail cameras were out. Boxers, t-shirt and knee high alpha burly's
Passed on two 1.5 yr Olds this morning. Sitting the same stand tonight & used a scent drag. Anybody having luck using calls right now? I'm tempted to try Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk