I guarantee he will not be allowed to take an AK with a 50rd drum. If it goes through the PGC gets final say on implementation. There will be firearm and capacity restrictions for sure, not to mention limits on what game species/seasons they may be used. Sent from my Turbo 2.
Things were super slow so I decided to sneak in to grab a bite. Grabbed two sd cards on my way in and they are not telling the story I had hoped for. None of my shooters have been here in over a week plus the majority of the bucks that were on camera were nocturnal. I need a hot doe to help me out.
I just heard the most violent clash of antlers, followed by a grouns commotion and something busting towards me. Couldnt't have been more than 150yds away. Didn't even see anything and it has me shaking with adrenaline. Thought for sure I was going to get a glimpse of one of them. Wasn't even a fight, sounded like a whitetail bi*ch slap.
Well was just setting up the third climbing stick while getting ready in a new piece of public when I heard something coming threw the swamp. Sure enough 135" 10 coming right at me. Must have heard the noise I was making and was comin to check me out. He saw me same time I saw him. Watched him run clear across the swamp...... great. Would u stay set up here or move a little?
Perhaps someone could invent a paintball filled with urine. I would not have an issue with ever being bored in a stand ever again.
If this is what daytime movement is like in these temps, gun season is going to be huge. Odd not to see button bucks or 1 1/2 year olds. Thinking about taking tomorrow off and hitting it hard through the week when the others are in schoo.
On an episode of major league bowhunter Duff was screwing around and filled a super soaker up with it.