Was about to post that I haven't seen anything in over an hour but then a little spike just walk 10 yrds from me
If there were any deer around they are gone now from me laughing trying to stay in the tree. Shouldn't have been that funny it it got me.
Got a hot doe under me right now for 30 minutes. 3 bucks here with her. The largest is a 120 inch 8 pt with lots of mass. Still waiting for big boy
Here he is. I've been seeing him come out at the same spot for two days now. Put up a climber and the wind was perfect. Shot him at 8 yards. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Man you guys are making me jealous. Got my biggest to date earlier this week. No giant by any means but hate the feeling of my season being over. Living thru this thread right now.