Getting down now... have to head to PA for the weekend to spend time with the family then I'll be full go Monday- Friday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ya I'm leaning towards it. It's a gamble, but it can't be any worse than what I'm dealing with now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't remember hearing so many gun shots in the first 2 hours. WTF!!! Pretty crazy considering this area has a 4 point on at least one side rule.
Who the heck are you guys and what are ya doing in Fitz's thread? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Just had a big buck sneak in out of no where sniffing around a little skiddish stood 25yds away for 5 minutes looking around if there were no leaves on the tree between us he would have been down! He walked calmly away though so I'm hoping he'll make another appearance 5 minutes later I hear another one coming behind me a smaller 8pt he came right under my tree! Had him at full draw 15 yds away....thought there was another clear shot opportunity after the next tree...I was wrong he was in that lane already.. and it's all too thick after that he kept nose to the ground as he walked away a grunt got him to stop but not come back in I'll be beating myself up for that one for awhile that's for sure! Great encounters though they're cruising for sure! It's that time of year guys stay out there and hunt hard!
Should have finishd my post but had a pack of 5-7 coydog come thru twice deer like them less then a coyote need less to say my hunt pry ruined