Sorry, come on up here. I have had 3 buck come by me the last hour. 2 nice bucks that I would have shot, to far away and a little 4 pt that I wanted it to go past me so my son could shoot it. He 28 yards to my east. 4 pt was 20 yards away. So far so good today
Debating on getting down at ten and go scout and climb in a new area. 6 sits in this spot no deer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Beautiful morning, no deer though. Lightning hit a tree 180' from the house night before last. Now that it is light I see 2 pieces of that tree down here in the bottom where I'm at. One piece is 100 yds from the tree that was hit. Unless my rangefinder is wrong. Don't mess with lightning.
In Wisconsin this weekend. Got in stand 45 minutes before light. Had 4 separate deer go by in the dark. Nothing in the light...past hour. Finally got my brother to come with me. We are hunting family property. He saw 2 deer so far. Passed on year.5 8 point.
Wasn't sitting 10 minutes and had a little buck come in to 15. He looked back and took off. Another little one came in and milled for 10-15 minutes. Shoot, I wanted my son to sit here.
Doe just came in.. smelled something she didn't like and circled me. I was gonna smoke her *** too..... Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
No deer here yet. Had some turkeys come by out of range and a coyote come by just out of range. At least the weather is nice and we are seeing some wildlife.
Yea, I've seen crazy things with lightning working out side all of my adult's not real fun to see lightning hit a piece of rail, and a big *** fireball coming down the rail towards you at all....have seen a few trees get exploded out in the middle of fields as well... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Perfect day to be in the woods. Only a young 8 pt cruising at first light, not a doe in sight. Only looking for a buck today, but I usually always see some does over here. Kinda weird