Well, I killed my first deer ever tonight? Worked hard all offseason and during the season for it. Hunting on public ground isn't always the best but it paid off in the end. Hes a smaller buck but I don't care! It was too late to take him to The processor tonight, will he be alright with ice inside his chest cavity and a couple bags around him in my truck?
Lunch is made, truck warming up, and I'm off for my first all day sit since a week ago. It's game time and I am pumped!! Good luck out there guys.
Today is the day!!!! Got two texts last night while I was sleeping, my Illinois hunting partners both dropped bucks last night!! Looking to break the tradition and join them in those ranks today! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm like a laser, six string razor, I got a mouth like an alligator, I want it louder, more power, I'm going to rock it till it strikes the hour, Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing gets me in the mood to hunt faster than this song..... Yes I downloaded it, yes I paid for it. LOL Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Go get 'em Joe! I'll be rockin it out at the hospital all weekend and then off for 2 weeks. Put the smack down on something this morning. Blessings..........Pastorjim
Jerky is all ready, got a small bag packed for a mid morning snack good luck everyone let's put some deer down today!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
5 years and 35 minutes ago from now, was even a Saturday, I killed my biggest buck to date. Wouldn't mind saying that again in 5 years! http://forums.bowhunting.com/bowhunting-talk/cant-stop-shaking-27529/