I'm about to go grab lunch here in a minute. Would you guys recommend hunting this field Or these woods this evening Woods are loaded with white acorns. Nearest crop field is a mile and a half away. What say ye? Help me make up my mind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I heard that last night down in the bottoms. First I thought it was a buck with a vocal problem. Then seen the heron. Was a little disappointed.
I do believe it was early am buck action cause hour later an other buck came in marked same spot area as noise earlier was. I haven't seen the heron lately. Had to read twice thought meaning buck on heroin loma
Just made up my mind after I saw a good shooter walk down the edge of the field away from me into the wind. Going to put a climber up down there this evening Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wow awesome action!!!!! There is 93 post since I I went into class this morning! LOL How the hell am I supposed to remember what derived units are when this type of action is happening?? Congrats shocker! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just moved sets after the wind changed . Lovin this new set gorgeous and just has that feel to it. Already had a doe move threw. Time to crack a book and enjoy the sun.