I should be out for a very short sit tomorrow evening (better than nothing) then sat and sun morning and evening. Got the big 8 on another cam... 45 mins before shooting light.
Big temp drop today going into Saturday' morning, just gotta make it through today then it's game time. Good luck to everyone today.
Rain came late and heavier than expected, might sneak out at 11 after class to see if anything comes to check the scrapes, definitely be out tonight good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Right there with you tomorrow Bro! I'll do a dark to dark as well. This will be my first sit in a week, to say I am excited would be an understatement. Just like a little kid. lol Good luck to anyone hitting the woods today.
Yeah I sat all day on Monday, and it feels like it was an eternity ago! I think I actually might get down mid day, and Scout and hang another spot for the afternoon, especially with these Highwinds predicted for the afternoon, thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All set up. Best entrance, best weather, and best spot I've sat in over a week. Let's see if things start moving today.
Set up in a blind hoping to kill a doe never killed a deer yet so excited! This spot always has deer early to late morn. Have one nice 9 point here kinda want to let him go another year lets hope he doesnt temp me
My season gets better everytime i go hunting. Got out of my truck and started to walk the road in only to find an excavating crew redoing the road. Between loggers and excavators im going crazy. Why the heck does the pgc let them work on gamelands property during hunting seasons? They have all summer. I come here yo hunt not listen to heavy machinery. Ugh! Getting to the point im dreading coming out fearful of the next surprise.
Getting ready to going to my four hour long engineering class. Do we have any sunrise pics gentleman? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sun ain't you here yet in GA. I'm in the tree, might be sweating like my ex wife in church, but I'm here. 62 degrees and the sun isn't even up.
Well yesterday was a bust saw 2 deer all day Think I know why not seeing deer on my property Saw pack of 8 yotes on the neighboring property and then the howling after sunset was intense Back at it this morning hunting till 12 and the going home to finish packing going on weekend hunting trip with buddy in Central Ohio Good Luck everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk