We didn't see anything this morning. We are gonna head back around 2 and go in for the kill on a nice buck that we have a pretty good idea where he stages before coming into the field. I'm really hopeful that my wife will get a shot at him.
Wih the weather system moving in expected to see a few more IL guys out today. Supposed to get near an inch of rain today/night, hoping to see a few scrapes when I get out Friday. Think the ground was a bit too dry to see them last time out.
My vacation starts Friday evening, then this Illinois boy and his bow will be spending some quality time in a tree
Headed to a honey hole in southern Minnesota for an evening sit with 3 buddies, 1 8 point was killed last time, and saw 20 deer the time before but only 6 does came in range, let's hope for a good night! Let's put the rage in the cage boys!
Set a buck decoy out the last two sits and had bucks come into both sets. Unfortunately both of them were small/young. Good times. Looking forward to some cooler weather, this heat is ridiculous. Good luck!
Well only saw the two does sprinting this morning Back in same set this evening due to a SW wind 70's in November is out of control Rain tonight and in the morning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We snuck in and hung out stands within 100 yards of the bedding area. This damn wind won't make its mind up though. If it would ever stay consistent and blow the way we need I think we will put a deer down tonight.
59° calm east wind. Neighbors are going to finish combining field across the creek during daylight. Got a feeling I'll see some antlers tonight. Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Forgot my quiver full of arrows and my rangefinder.... luckily I had 2 new broadheads and 2 arrows in the bow case. Shots will be kept 30 and under tonight! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Big 6 just chased several does through. Trying to get my lady on a deer tonight. I will only shoot if she's not comfortable or it's one of my big boys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk