I don't recall exactly I was a little fired up and his back half was covered in brush so I didn't see a kick but he certainly bolted fast. There was a thwack which made me just assume the worst that I hit a tree or his shoulder but the arrow passed through and was buried in dirt. I'm pulling 60 lbs fixed blade 1 1/8 inch Montecs.
I couldn't see his tail just his body shape in some brush and that he was standing at about 50 yards before walking off. Thanks for all the replies I'll post tonight if I look and have any luck. I'm a self taught bowhunter so I appreciate the wisdom.
I gut shot/liver hit a doe several years back. Stupid mistake on my part, she took about 2-3 leaps forward after impact and stopped tail twotching side to side. Stood there for about a minute and then walked off tail still twitching. I waited a bit and then climbed down and went back up to the truck. Came back down about an hour and a half lter just to check the site impact and seen here lift her head about 20 yds from site of impact. She was too weak to stand and I put another in her. Hopefully with the length of time you have waited all you will have is a short walk to a dead buck in his first bed. Don't forget to update
Reword that post and take the " if" part out! Post on here when your looking. Take pictures of blood and post on here. We all want to help you, no one is here to bash you, just to help!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just let what would have been my personal archery buck go.....that was hard, hopefully I don't regret it.
Haha ok the only reason I wouldn't look would be if I'm worried about him still being alive and wait till the morning. 95% sure I'll be looking at 8 p.m. CT. 12 hours after being shot better be enough. If anyone thinks otherwise enlighten me. I don't know how to take pics and send them without putting them first on my computer. I'll definitely post though. The buck is near a residential area that is adjacent to the farmland so maybe cops will arrest me thinking i'm stalking trick or treaters lol.
Man I'm glued to the internet looking at weather reports for Wednesday in Highland, IL. SSW winds high of 78, but a storm is moving in late in the day. hopefully, it's not a bad decision to attempt an all day sit. I just hope the weather changes a little, especially the wind. a North wind would be perfect for me. I don't really have a place to set up with SSW winds. except near the north east corner of the property where the neighbor always ruins my hunts. the place I'm wanting to set up is covered in rubs and scrapes. Not sure if its a shorter or not, but is at the south border of the property with cut corn field 50 yards south of me. hopefully a deer comes from that direction. I have a strong feeling that this buck is coming from the east to my location. that would be good too.
Slow sit this morning. Only seen one deer and a fox. This afternoon has been slow so far except for the combine taking the corn down.
I sure wish I would've had reception on my phone this morning, cause a spruce shaft from my recurve got covered in blood!
Swirling winds, got winded by a spike about 20 minutes ago. He didn't see me but something he smelled turned him around!
Hmmm, can't find any "This post is useless without the right pics" emoticon Congrats anyway, have you recovered him yet?