Start vacation Friday, as of now the forecast looks decent, considering what we've been having. Would rather see some highs in the 50's and 40's. Gun season is going to be a cooler one around here. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Yeah me too. I waited to the second week in November because I always seem to hit a warm spell the first week. Looks like it might happen again. Damn
Im there!!!!!!!! I'm done with hunting in New England. My son and I are still working out logistics for jersey starting next year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got an awesome set hung this afternoon morning can't come soon enough!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are TONS of public hunting places in MO. Non-resident tags are reasonable, compared to neighboring states, and the deer herd is fairly large. I hate to see others frustrated with their hunting situation. My patented answer is that there aren't any big deer in MO.
Once you experience the rut in the Midwest,,,, it's so hard to come back to this crap here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If it were closer I would in a heartbeat. Jersey is only about 3 hours from me, and it's very attainable right now for my son and I. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks, It's a very nice mature buck. The waiting is killing me of course but will be worth it. I've only shot 1 buck with bow before and that was a 1.5 yr old about 15 years ago. I've bow hunted hard the last 8 years and have never seen anything above 125. I hold off for 130's or higher now cause I've killed a handful of 120's with firearm. Not gonna tell the specifics yet cause I feel like it'll jinx it. I was content with waiting 8 hours and than I read somewhere you wanna wait up to 20 but I'm concerned the meat will be bad than and if I do wait till morning I feel like I'm intentionally giving up the meat just for the antlers and that doesn't seem right I dunno.
It's not about giving up the meat. It is about recovering the deer. If you push him it could end very bad and you being very disappointed. Just hang out, get some friends to mark the last spot of blood and go a little later. I don't remember, did you find the arrow?
since your waiting until 5 or 6 you could wait a little longer and go out at 8 PM. or just take your time. I hope it works out well for you I've messed up plenty in the past on not waiting long enough and losing deer completely. Best of luck to ya.
Yes the arrow was sticking in the ground a few inches. It was a 15 yard shot and I was 20 ft up. The arrow was covered the entire length in a brownish slime. It didn't smell bad. White hair on the ground as well as by the knock. The bucks back half end was covered by some trees. I grunted at him as he was chasing a doe and was stopped completely. His vitals were right there for the taking. I was surprised when I found what look like gut shot material on it. No blood except for a little red on one of the fletchings. I may have hit a small twig near the tree and it could have deflected into his gut or just out of excitement executed poorly. I didn't see any blood on the ground but didn't look past the 15 yard mark where the arrow was. He ran about 50 yards and stopped for 2-3 minutes. I was waiting for him to drop yet he walked off but was wobbly. It was windy and thick woods which is the only reason why I even went to the arrow after an hour and a half.
How did the buck initially react body wise when he was hit? What did the arrow impact sound like? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hopefully you got liver along with whatever else. Could you see his tail twitching as he stood there for those couple minutes? As long as you didn't bump him leaving sounds like he will have bedded down prettcy soon after last sighting. Sounds like you will recover him without seeing with my own eyes what you described.