To each there own but my buddy would be getting his butt kicked if he shot a young buck with that much potential on my property(if I owned any). Is this the same buddy that was going for his first deer? If that's the case, I'm sure he is pumped and I could understand that. Congrats to your old man on the doe as well!
Didn't see much all weekend but was sitting in the stand on Sunday morning before church with my wonderful girlfriend we both had our bows, all of a sudden I heard movement and told her to get ready I saw a doe running past I tried to stop her she was as close at 3 yards but couldn't get her to stop she took off 3 min later a little four point came by I got him to stop at 5 yards but in our area he wasn't a legal buck watched him pass shortly after a yote came by and I whacked him
Hurry up Brad!!!!!! LOL!! I'm starting to forget what deer look like Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anyone seeing midday movement? I decided to head back to the house. Should've stayed in the tree because I think I jumped every deer on the property.
Congrats....can it be my turn next???? This damn wind is irritating today, normally it's the squirrels, but they are on existent today, can't hear anything over the wind and leaves raining down... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, but I haven't seen a deer in the past 6 hunts, so my answer doesn't count Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Had a couple of small bucks moving around most of the day yesterday, and a doe in the field when I went to lunch....not a lot happening today though...not leaving for lunch either... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great buck BJE!! Congrats!! I have to live through you guys for another week. My rutcation starts next Wednesday!
Kicking myself more than ever right now. Once Thursday gets here 7pm is my bedtime every night. Don't care what is on, I've got DVR for that. Probably two booners having a stare down 15 feet in front of my stand as we speak, not to mention the 3 P&Y's that moved through earlier.
If you have that many big deer running around, I really can't feel sorry for you.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
just my imagination at work lol, would definitely be my luck I don't get the time to scout the property, I just show up each October and wait for them to walk by, no clue what it might be