Looks like he broke 1 tine off from one pic to the other, so he lost 6-7 inches there. just about impossible to tell age from those pics. Need some side pics of the whole body. Nice looking buck though
Actually, the tine is just cut off in the pic. Looks like it's broken, but it's not. I thought the same originally.
Seen just a small fork horn this morning...decided to climb down and go grab a hot lunch, leave everything in the tree, get to the field and there is a nice fat doe standing in front of my blind, completely oblivious to me....I crouch down behind some bushes and snap a stick, spooks her enough to get her to trot into the woods, I get out to get my lunch, walking back in I jump a deer as soon as I cross the fence, blows once and runs, figure it was the doe, what ever, get to my stand, strap in, climb up, get situated, turn and sit down and bam, deer 20yds in front of me looking right at me....fork horn again, we have a staring contest for a few, then he goes about his business, got about a 3-4 min video of him working on a licking branch.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Already did....I killed a nice hot roast beef sammich about 45 mins ago.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are no big bucks in Iowa....don't know where y'all keep getting this information..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well just got settled in. With a nice breeze Its a cool 75 here. I decided to set up the boss babe decoy tonight so we will see how things go
Seen a nice buck trying to mount a doe this morning. Rut is pretty much on here in MN. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Forkie came back around, followed by a 3 point on one side, spike on the other....decent sized body though....more footage for filler if I ever get to shoot something I reckon... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This little bastard is just taunting me, keeps walking back and forth....knows I'm not gonna shoot him Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk