Im in warren county and slight breeze here. Bouncing a bit but better than yesterday. Nothing here yet. First person to invent a waterproof seat pad will be a millionaire!
Just getting light here in Ohio Hoping for deer sighting haven't seen a deer in last 7-8 sits Just what he said. Hope to see some deers
In the past I have used a plastic leaf bag (taped against wind) to keep my seat dry on my hang on, but I usually use my sit and climb, which comes and goes with me.
Wow she was very lucky that she survived at 3 years old that's unbelievable l. Lucky it wasn't a cotton mouth their poison is a more deadly
Made it for 3 1/2 hours with a steady rain & 43 degrees - after nothing but rain drops for action I packed all of my soaked gear in and quietly got down out of the tree - will dry off re-group and head back out this afternoon for another shot at it. Hopefully the rain will have let up a little. Bowtech Carbon Knight 29DL 62DW Single Pin Peep Site
Tickled the horns together for the first time and had a small 8pt cruise through the timber about 5 minutes later. Didn't really seem to interested in coming my direction.
I thought about calling but nervous to do it here. Going for the sneak attack. Ive been can calling but thats it so far. Anyone using scent yet? I bought some smokeys foe in heat nd used it today. Never had scent work but figured it would be good cover scent.