I am thinking the rut is still a couple weeks away in southern Missouri? I still have mama does with yearlings, and no sign of bucks pushing? I saw 3 does tonight but I am in the exact opposite stand! Story of my season so far! Lol!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks for the reassurance....I always second guess myself when it comes to taking time off during this time of year Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
Ha, don't we all. I took off the first week of November last year and regretted every minute of it. Just a little early IMO
Here in Illinois its usually gonna be good around 2 weeks before gun season until gun season. 4th-18th
since we r on the snake topic. Last year we were cutting a tree down and found this little guy I bet it was between four to five feet long
You picked the wrong week for sure. May as well go to work instead. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Like you picked the wrong stand... How's your turkey taste? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
My old boss had a 3 year old daughter that got bit by a copperhead,not sure on all the details but the hospital bill was something around 80/90K.Definatly not good when they're that young.
I think that is a better week. I hope so at least I took 3 days off as well. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Up in the stand, moved one here yesterday same spot I arrowed my buck on Wednesday got my same buddy out with me for his 3rd sit ever, put him up in my good stand again really hoping he gets a crack at one we're only about 60 yards apart but have completely different areas in sitting in an overgrown meadow that bumps up to a cut corn field, he's back in the timber just before it gets to pines! Good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well back at it for the next 4 days. Right now i am sitting over a WTI forage oats plot. The temp is a chilly 43 degrees with an expected high of 69. Hopefully I can get something done before it hits 80 tomorrow
Just got settled in. This is my honey hole stand. Just hope im not hunting it too early. Good luck to all!
Just getting light here in Ohio Hoping for deer sighting haven't seen a deer in last 7-8 sits Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Been here about an hour, nothing but squirrels and chippies. 37 degrees NW wind, calm now. Can here a turkey up the valley. ITS GONNA BE A GREAT DAY