One more day of work...trip to st.louis tomorrow after work to see the wings beat the blues...hopefully back home early enough Friday to make it for an afternoon hunt, and then 4 straight days of hunting after is really getting in the way of my deer season... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I usually don't hunt this spot till later, but the wind is perfect Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Rattled multiple bucks in this am. Also had scents out and I believe a hot doe in the area, saw 6 bucks by 9am.
If you come to Adams County I might haveta move away lol. This part of the state definitely ain't bad. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Nothing. Not even crashing tonight. Not getting out again til next week. Hoped to at least gave one encounter
The only thing worse than having to go to work everyday is not eating. Of course, if you get a deer you can eat for little while.
Should have followed my gut tonight. Had I listened to it I'd be sitting behind a 140+ 8 point right now. I have to walk into the field the stand is in to get to my other stand, well on the way out there's 3 does and the buck right next to my stand. Still light enough to shootout there. And I missed a turkey at 5:20 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ended up seeing a nice buck during the last 30 minutes of light. He was on the other side of the field eating in a little strip of clover and grass. Never left and was still there after dark when I left. Looked like a 120" 8 pt I have been getting on camera with a busted off g3.
I had a good buck step out as I was packing up to leave. He was about 110 yards out and I could see some good headgear with the binoculars, but I couldn't tell exactly what he was. I sat on the ground since the wind was wrong for my stand. He was about 30 yards from my stand with the wind blowing away from him. He came from the direction that I didn't expect. I waited until it was real dark to leave. He heard me rustling and walked away the way he came.