Back out here in NJ looking for a doe. Supposed to rain hard all day tomorrow so I figured Thur. was a better day to cut up deer then this beautiful 50 deg day. Light wind, pretty steady. Great day to be hunting.
Yup the One! He actually came in 2 different nights. The first time was 3 hours after I shot that 10 pt.
Just had a doe run across the whole field, over 300 yards. Mouth wide open and drooling! Wonder what was chasing her!
Its Oct 26th and you guys have all this pre-rut good stuff going on! I very rarely see rut behavior like that for another week on the place I hunt. Hope one of you drill a nice one today.
Back at it this evening....hunting on top of a long Ridge. It is very windy found a scrape line coming in so let's hope I can get it done this evening
You guys ever get that feeling like something crazy is about to happen? I just got it, even feel knots in my stomach. It also got Erie quite in the area I'm hunting.
Wow I honestly thought you would never see him again. He must have a great sanctuary. Man do I want to see you kill that beast!