Here it is ladies and gents. For those of you that like to check in from your stands this Fall or simply like to follow along as others are out hunting, this is the thread for you! Good luck out there everyone, and stay safe!!!
Dove season opened today,youth season opens Saturday and bow/early muzzleloader 9 days after that.The offseason is so close to being over !!!
8 days till the NJ whitetail opener, but in the mean time, I'm sitting in a stand in VT looking for a bear on this second day of the VT bear season. I'm positioned near berry bushes and a ground bee hive that's already been hit by a bear. 60 degrees, light wind in my face, a big maple at my back and blue sky's. Lots of bear trails around me and I've had some on camera this year so the potential is good. Sitting till 1-2, see what happens.
I stuck this in the ground while I was in the stand yesterday. Good way to kick off the season if I do say so myself.
Thanks! I almost passed on her due to wearing "early season buck blinders" but changed my mind as she came in. A doe in the freezer beats 2 bucks in the bush.