I am set up on a CRP field in Iowa waiting on a big buck. It is warm with a light mist but still hopeful. Tonight will be better over a cut cornfield off of a river. Good luck to everyone hunting today.
Here's my view- The one thing that definitely beats sitting in a tree stand. Good luck everyone and stay safe! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am set up on a picked corn field next to a river. Wind is perfect and we already have a doe in the field at 2:30 when it is 60 degrees out. Just need a big boy to step out
Just got all set up over a cut bean field that has rye planted in it now. It's just now starting to come up so just wait and see what happens.
Had a small doe 15yds and passed her thinking a big nani doe that was about 70yds out was comin in never happened Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
The weather has not been good so far in Iowa. Raining pretty good and wind but I am sitting in a box blind on a picked corn field anyways. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to turn and I am looking forward to that.
I'm in the stand, but I'm torn about whether or not to shoot a doe. I've got pics of two mature bucks here, but don't really know what they are doing since I just started hunting this place. I had about 10 does 40 yards from the tree when I walked in, so they could come back by. Decisions, decisions...
Set up over a picked corn field in Iowa and it is 25 degrees out could use less wind but I will take it. Just need the right buck to step out.
That stinks Tony. I heard a bunch come in to feed about 50 yds on top of the ridge...one started dropping down to feed and she busted me. It was a lot of fun to get back in the woods.
I'll be returning to the woods on sunday!!! It's been over a month since I've been out, and I'm finally getting the itch to get back in the tree....1 doe tag, and 2 buck tags remaining, the RI season goes till January 31st, here we go!!
The rut is just starting to crank up here in Alabama. Had a three and a half year old and a two and a half year old fighting understand last Saturday. Today's my last day at work will not go back to work until January the 6th hopefully I can post some rut action. And then some big buck pictures.
The rifle doe tenderloins tasted great... but with NY season officially over, I'm eating buck tag soup this afternoon. Sent from my E6782 using Tapatalk