Exactly LOL Just curious why a "contest" is needed to find out what everyone already knows. No one has answered that yet.
Kind of a contradiction don't you think? If the contest was truly 100% about expanding the number of guys we get to know then why have tighter restraints?? I have been in the contests from day 1 and was interested in this one (until I found out it isn't really a contest). I would have signed up in heartbeat if there was a point. I just didn't understand the reasoning so I wanted to clarify I wasn't reading it wrong. Appreciate the explanation.
Ha I don't know man, maybe there will be a ringer in one of the underdog states. Honestly I think it was just something Ty asked if there was any interest in and since there was took it from there. It may be a one and done deal and might not. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Hey man, I'm happy for you. That's a good problem to have. The funny part is you had to "settle" for a 140" buck. Guys in a lot of states have never and will never even see a buck that size. It's cool man......enjoy. I just think everyone having a legit (not once in a blue moon) shot at winning is what keeps interest high in the real contest. Being exiled to a sub forum isn't going to help either. I'm sure the guys in certain states will enjoy it.
LOL.......that ringer better be the only guy on his team to have a chance. More then likely it will be like pistol whipping a blind kid instead of David vs Goliath LOL
Well, that's why we still have the original contest. My point was 140" deer aren't that uncommon. Lots of people on here are posting pics of deer on camera that are 140 class that aren't in the corn belt states. It'll boil down to who puts them on the ground. But I digress, that's as far as I'm going to defend the contest, in the end...I agree with you more than I disagree with you. I made my objections clear way back in the thread. I just accepted the fact that it's rushed this year and will likely evolve next time around.
The tighter restraints is due to one reason and one reason alone....if I am gonna probably take time out of my days to keep it somewhat organized I wanted members who have proven they stick around. Anyone can eat tag soup, anyone can get lucky, anyone at any given moment could swing a team's score. To be honest a buck contest scoring system doesn't sound possible in your world unless you handicap teams in the "better" states or add multipliers to the "smaller" ones. Again though I stress this contest is for fun, it is an online contest amongst hunters...the fact I've taken time out of my morning work to respond is a stretch of logic. I fully expect to change how this all goes next year if guys want me or someone else to head it up...but like I've said there is not one scoring system that will make everyone happy. **Atlas your hopeless nature must be pretty severe if you withhold from an online buck contest that is free to join, costs you nothing, wins you nothing and is for fun....all because you more than likely won't win.
COULD something crazy happen 1% of the years?.............honestly though you have tried to eliminate that variable and make it even harder to beat big buck dense states by allowing dropped scores from tag soup. That was really the ONLY chance other states had besides maybe a single entry getting lucky. That is correct. You HAVE to mix and match states or it will always be a slaughter. This isn't NASCAR.........we all aren't on level playing fields. If you had to bet your house on Florida, NJ, Vermont, Michigan, California, NY, PA, Carolinas, etc.......vs Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, etc..........it's pretty obvious where you'd put your money LOL Sure there is..........mix and match states and EVERYONE has a chance. Kansas+NY+Ohio vs. Iowa+PA+Illinois vs. Montana+Indiana+Wisconsin vs. Nebraska+Kentucky+Missouri and so on (or any mixed combo). Going pure state by state isn't going to result in anything other then the obvious 99/100 times. So you admit to knowing most states have no chance of winning?? LOL I'm in the contest..........and was interested in joining this one, but it's not a contest as currently set up and we already have the forum and main contest to socialize. Again, I have NOTHING against little side contests and was interested when I saw this one but sadly I just don't see the point.
I think that Atlas had a good point in mixing states. Maybe for next year you can consider an east vs west thing or something of that nature. Im still sure the way its this year is going to be great.
won't ever be able to please everybody. just ignore the haters. you already said we will let it go this year and see what changes need to be made for next year. if people dont like it this year, they can shut up and wait until next year.
What do you win?..nothing. ..why are you doing this..to meet people. ..why are you arguing this...I have no clue...don't join if you don't want too its that simple who cares if you win or lose..just lay down some bone and brag about that..have fun...I'm out! Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
If you're still taking guys, I'd be on the South Dakota team. Totally understand if you stick with the cutoff date, though.
If you are still taking guys I will be on for South Carolina. I understand if you stick with the cut off.