This year is the first year since I graduated college that I do not have cement plans for some sort of hunting trip. My father and I put in for MT elk&deer combo licenses but our odds are just under 50% of drawing. With our hunting trip this year up to the flip of a coin we were concerned about the "what ifs" or perhaps more accurately the "what thens". Well, we answered that this weekend by booking a spring bear hunt. We literally just stumbled into what seems to be one heck of a deal (thanks to the economic debacle there are a lot of these out there to be found) on a fishing and bear hunting trip to Quebec. I have to say, of all the provinces I thought I would hunt bear in, Quebec was not on the list, but I am certainly excited to give it a try. My father has hunted black bears many, many times, but this will be my first. Honestly, I am a little nervous b/c I am terrified of raccoons and bears really aren't much more than MONSTEROUS raccoons, but I have always been one to face my fears head on (sometimes that became too much of the truth and I have the scars to prove it). Anyway, if you have any tips, warnings, ideas, or thoughts for me I would certainly appreciate them.
You really have nothing to worry about Jim when It comes to bear. There curiosity and there nose and along with not so good eye sight Is what sometimes gets them closer to you then what you may like. I've had bear 6 Inches away from me while In a tree stand, you have nothing to worry about. They do have longer hair (3 Inches or so) so where you assume Is the bottom of the tummy Is not. Pretty much shoot at the same spots as a whitetail, bear actually allow better arrow penetration then whitetails. In allot of cases they won't go as far either with a good shot. One thing that you will notice right away, bear are very pigeon toed. Don't hurry your shot either, In most cases once there at your bait they'll eventually give you the good shot your looking for. I'm sure your dad could answer all of your question's as well. Good luck, It's a blast bear hunting!!
Well, it has been almost 20 years since he last went bear hunting so in a sense it is "new again" to him as well. He always did it DIY back when bear tags in Ontario were $19 and you didn't need a guide. So, his success rate is quite a bit lower than one's would be today. Setting a bait for a week doesn't give them much time to find it, but he always enjoyed it and the fishing. I used to go up with him ever since I was in kindergarden until he quit going, but I would stay at the cabin and fish when he went hunting. That is a great tip about the hair and figuring where to shoot. Do you aim center vertical then? Why are they easier to penetrate than a whitetail?
For the most part yes I do. I think It's because there bones aren't as big as whitetails, the ribs seem softer as well. I always get more meat from a whitetail then a bear. There front and hind quarters have allot more meat on them which I think Is because they don't hibernate like the bear does 5 months out of the year. My last 4 bear have went an average of 25 yards after my shot, all 4 were double lung shots.
I'm jealous!! Bear is DEFINITELY on my short list of next out-of-state hunting trip in a couple years! Only thing I'd add as a completely ignorant outsider is to work on judging their size by watching some DVD's like Ralph & Vicki's or something. I see a lOT of people go and shoot little bears -- and then when I ask them about them, they inform me that they were usually one of the first couple they saw and on the first evening to boot. I'd think patience would be a virtue in that game. Not patience of being willing to sit on stand... but patience in being willing to pass up mediocre-looking bears.
Greg & Doug, If this place works out to be as nice as it seems, then maybe we can all go in the next year or two. I'll be as patient as I can be