Go here to give him a grade. He didn't do very well with me. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29493093/ He didn't do well with a lot of folks.
Yeah, that's quite the spread there. I'd venture to say most people looking at that either like him or hate him and thus vote accordingly. A for love, F for hate with little analysis of what exactly he may deserve
The guy has been in office 90 days. Somebody tell me just WTF they expected him to accomplish in 90 days? He got handed an economy in the crapper, two wars and an already record budget deficit. Sure, he should have fixed all of that in 90 days :huh: :huh:
It's the 20% factor Bruce, The Bushwhacker and his band of desperados has had them folded over like a cheep pockett knife dry hunching the hell out of them for the last 8 years and they still cant figure out why their ass is sore, let alone figure out it's not the new guys fault. I'm just glad the Bushwhacking SOB was not able to play with my Social Security on the stock market like he wanted.
You may want to check on which congress deregulated the financial institutions. You may also want to check on which administration appointed the official to run the SEC. You know, the SEC that was warned about a guy like Madoff but never checked him out. There's plenty more but you get the idea. I can give you plenty of informative links to this type of information. You can't honestly believe that all of these problems are rooted in the congress now controlled by the dems. I am still wondering what exactly you expected him to accomplish in just 90 days?
it is really telling how on a site like msnbc that he only got that many 'A' votes. luckily most people are starting to realize they have been duped. unfortunately it is too late. Not so much what i expected him to accomplish in 90 days, but more that I didn't expect him to pass the LARGEST spending bill of any president in only 90 days. imagine it at 1year out. Then 4. Yes, Bush was in charge the last 8 years. and republican spending is just as much to blame. But who controlled the house and senate the last two years? funny how folks want to stick of for Hussein and say he 'inherited' this economic problem. yet those same folks don't want to mention his already horrific spending; with added earmarks. (i mean really, millions of dollars to study why pigs smell? millions of dollars for airport renovations in John Murtha's home town -- an airport that only has like two fligts a month, which is john murtha).
Here is the best thing I can do for you. www.house.gov/ www.senate.gov/ Try getting a clue. You should actually know how they vote befor you blame any specific party, and it's apparent you don't. Thats mighty republican of you, 95% of black people are kool aid drinkers. Yet it is apparent your own party can smear poop in your face and you will not only make an excuse as to why they did it, but claim it smells good. As far as the Commander in Chief pulling troops out of Iraq and sending them to Afghanistan, it's what he ran his election on Quote: GMMAT This is a PERFECT example of being ill-informed. Who's playing with your SS, now? If you don't understand a program, don't spout idotic propoganda poured down your throat by your party's leaders. People who do understand the programs will know. And....you'll look silly(ER).[/quote] I'm not the one that looks silly (er). Why dont you break his program down for us. Hell man, even other republicans was smart enough to vote agenst it. You have poop on your face!
I've said it before. He reminds me of a deer in headlights. He gives legitimacy to rogue dictators.....bows to Kings (rogue dictator?) and weakens our national security at every turn. I have pictures of the Bushwhacker holding hands and kissing other men, I like the one where he's looking through the Binoculars for several minutes trying to adjust them with the lens caps on, Or how about the one where hes holding the hammer right up agenst the head trying to pound a nail. Ha Ha! He has been a joke if nothing else.
so now that he is out of office we should continue to look at his mistakes rather than Obama's? shouldn't a president be judged on his own merits and actions? whether it be 90 days or 8years?
So you are telling me that the economic problem was created in the last 2 years? Oh, and tell what happened to the 700 billion that bush and paulson appropriated (on their way out the door) for this economic problem that the democratic congress created in the last 2 years? We could also bring up ted stevens pork binging too. Unfortunately, due to the quality Justice Dept. we have had over the past 8 years he can't do anymore pork binging for Alaska . I'm not necessarily sticking up for obama. I'm not really a big fan of politicians, regardless of party, but some of the downright BS I see is amazing. If obama didn't inherit this economic mess then what? he created it? Oh no, that's right, it's his "horrific spending". Where the hell was all this whining about "horrific spending" and outrageous pork the last 8 years?
A president, ANY president, can't accomplish anything in 90 days but you want to give him a "failing grade". Ludicrous. So you are saying bush and the previous republican congress' had nothing to do with our current state of the union? Or that we should just forget what they did to get us here now that we can all blame obama for our problems?
Many of the people i know have been pissed off at republican spending as well. there was a lot of outrage at bush and republican congressman and senators for excessive spending and pork. hell, i am more upset with republican govt as they are SO far off the mark of keeping the size of govt, and its spending, small. my point of the democratic congress is simply that not one party, or man, is responsible for this mess. unfortunatley, people on both sides of the political fence will not take an honest look at the situation.
I am sure bush would have stopped at the 700 billion . I hear that a lot "he kept us safe" but fail to see how. You could say clinton kept us safe after the first WTC attack because there were no others after that while he was president but we both know that is a bit ridiculous. Our borders are still porous as ever, we still have unprotected seaports and so on. I liked reagan a lot but 90 days? Sorry, not buying.
So other than being dynamic and a welcome breath of fresh air following a sorry previous president(reagan, not obama ) what did he accomplish in the first 90 days?