can someone tell me what he really wants? no biased opinions here, just tell me what he's doing here...
I honestly don't know if I can give an unbiased opion but I'll give it a whirl... Basically the proposed plan would allow everyone to have the same "insurance" style of healthcare regardless of employment status or finances. All physicians would have to "somehow" provide the same rates. That's all I can say without getting wound up. :D
ok, but I also get the feeling that the gov't decides who and how much one din Grandma is on the resporator they might pull the plug to save $$.....
They will never admit that. Think about it though. If you want ANY procedure done it won't be your doctor to decide if you should have it done. It will be some bureaucrat in a office deciding if it is necessary. They could never raise taxes enough to pay for this. Therefore, yes some rationing will have to take place to keep the budget within reason (I guess) so that our bonds will retain their value and the dollar does not crash (which may happen anyway). Do you know how it is when you go into your local DMV?? Now take those government employee's and put them in charge of your heath care. That is what you are looking at. Too scary. We have the best health care system in the world. Hands down. Admittedly, the problem with heath care is it is too expensive. But doing this will not only make the overall cost more expensive for everyone but it will reduce the quality of heath care dramatically. Think about how most ER rooms will look at 2:00 AM when someone is hungry and cold. Also, when it is free it is too easy to go to the ER because you have a tummy ache and want some aspirin. The taxpayers will be stuck with a $400 bill. I could go on and on. BTW, don't believe that this is a government option because that won't happen. If you want to know why, just ask I'll explain. What would I do? Cap the malpractice suing limit so the doctors don't have to pay so much money for insurance. That would be a huge start.
Exactly! Want lower health care costs? Hit it at the source. Malpractice insurance is through the roof for many doctors due to ambulance chasing lawyers and greedy people.
add to that, make insurance policies portable between states... allow me to buy a policy from CA even though I live in IL for instance... current law forbids that practice and deters competition, forces companies to establish a presence in every state the provide coverage in, thus raising costs and complexity of the business model...
The pendulum has swung to far.The vast majority of our politicians are attorney's,every thing they do they look at from a perspective of law not what's practical or ethical but whats legal.They can divide by three very well which is typically their portion of awards they garner for clients. Doctors practice so defensively,ordering test after test,driving up the medical cost's so high,their malpractice rates in some instances are annually what some one would pay for a middle range home. Attorneys,Unions and politicians that we havn't held accountable have just about killed this country. Were you guy's aware of the four new Jet's for congress that were in the Health care bill.These people do not have a clue as to the challenges that an average American has to deal with.We need to vote their A$$'s out if they have no sense of what is right and wrong!!
The real ***** is WHO do you think will pay for this. You bet. He has all these visions of what will get him ellected again but NO vision as to what it will cost and how to handle it. HELL, the government can't send out a monthly social security check to someone without a screw up. Do you really think anyone will read anything or base any decision on what a doctor says. Besides that, before this could even have a snowballs chance in hell of working they'd have to revamp the whole court system and lawsuit, malpractice suit crap.
I don't think anyone likes this health care reform plan except politicians. What I don't understand is why this has to be done right away. We have two wars and a crappy economy yet we are expending all this time and energy trying to force this junk through. If it weren't so sad and frustrating it would be comical.
It's a doorway to the most massive power grab in history, extremely loosely written, easy to subvert by an activist judge or pol. It also abrogates some of our Constitutional protections to allow a few to have what many have earned or purchased as though it were a birthright. Health insurance is not a right! Having access to health care is, but not in unlimited scale, and certainly not at the expense of other rights and freedoms.