I know this would bum me out, for you NY guys this could be of interest to you! New York Sportsman Alert: Bill Would Raise Hunting Age 4/9/2009 A proposed bill by Sen. Liz Krueger would raise New York’s legal age to obtain a hunting license from 16 to 18, and require accompaniment by an adult on hunting trips for anyone under 20. The proposed legislation would also raise the junior hunting age to 14, from the current 12, and raise the age of junior mentors to 21. Archery licenses would also be restricted until the hunter is 16, instead of the current 14. Just last year, the Families Afield initiative passed and lowered the ages of those who can obtain hunting licenses. The initiative, started by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the National Wild Turkey Federation and the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance in 2004, was passed to give young people a chance to experience the traditions of hunting sports. “Allowing parents to pass on their hunting traditions to the next generation is the cornerstone to preserving those traditions,” Rob Sexton, USSA vice president for government affairs, said in a report by Outdoor News Daily. “SB 3598 is a gigantic step backwards and all sportsmen in New York should oppose it.” http://www.predatorxtreme.com/ArticleContent.aspx?id=1220
Its almost like they don't want new young hunters to get involved, seem to make it harder and harder to get the youth involved! I think its great to get em started young before they get involved in other things that could lead them astray!