Heard rumors of a few decent looking deer on this new property. Had yet to see anything amazing. Well had this bachelor group show up this morning. How long do these groups usually stick together? Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Looks like that one with the crab claw on the left side is a real good deer. I've seen bachelor groups in my area up until the last few weeks of September.
So glad to finally have a deer of that caliber on camera. Hope he sticks around. I've put so much time and money into this property the last couple years to help deer health and growth and I'm glad it's starting to show. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Word of caution, appears bait/mineral site. Make sure to not just stop using, but to remove affected soil per the IC code. I despise the code as it is written and believe IN needs to just abolish it or amend it...but is what it is. As for the deer, LOVE IT MAN!!! The crab deer is an absolute slammer!
Yeah I go in around late August and remove the sites. Does make it easy to take inventory of deer heard over the winter months and into the summer though! Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
Seems about right!! Lol unless you're lucky enough to hunt Urban during September. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk
That is close for clear over here in Idaho too. Bachelor groups stay together until the last week of Sept. up to the first couple weeks of Oct. Latest I've seen them still together is our opening day of Oct. 10th.
my buddy's property in WI is a summertime bachelor party. Get near daily pics of groups 5 or even more; and more than half of them are mature shooters (talking 140-190); come first week of September ***poof***
Goodnight! I love how that one buck's brow tine, on his left side turns outward. He will be easily identifiable. He is going to be a GIANT!! You have a few good ones to get ready for. Good Luck chasing them this year!
He is for sure #1 on the hit list. I think this is him last year with a split beam. Definitely has some character. Pray he decides to come out this year. Got one pic of him last year and he disappeared. Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk