I know a lot of guys are going to think "boy he sure checks his cam a lot", but I have this cam in a spot right up by the landowners house, so going in there, is not a big deal. I picked up another 5 acres right on the other side of the river from where I hunt, and I was going out to hang a cam over there, but I needed to get the other half to my mount for the cam I was going to use, and it was on a tree right next to this cam, so I thought I might as well swap cards in the camera that was there. Now I know for sure that he is for sure a double drop. More on the 5 acres I picked up this weekend. It belongs to my neice. They moved in there going on 2 years ago. The house sat empty for at least 2 years, and there has never been any hunting over there as long as I have been hunting out there, and thats going on 8 years. Wife and I went out there today, and on the way back to the truck, we were walking along the edge of the woods, and a big clover field. Looked up, and here comes twin fawns walking right to us. We stopped, to see how far they would come, and they made it to about 20 yards before they ran off. Of all times I wished I had a camera in my hands.
All those pics, action, and new property ought to get you fired up for the season. Blessings.......Pastorjim
Oh you have no idea Jim! I am like a kid waiting for Christmas. Hey, I sent you a PM on the "old" forum.