I'm loving the conditions here for tomorrow. Low 50's in the morning, 68 for the high. Few small drizzles possible, light west wind and the new moon. If I had the patience, I'd consider sitting all day, but doubtful. I'll be in a couple little wood lots, with lots of standing corn around. If they stray from the corn, good chance they'll run into me. I have not stepped foot on this property since last season! Can't wait, good luck out there!
I ended up seeing 3 bucks, 2 does, and a fawn. The one buck was the mature 10 pt that I think I will focus on now. I first thought he was around 130 inch, but now seeing for a 3rd time he might be a bit smaller. Still a great buck for my area. My next sit will be on the trail I've seen him use 2 out of 3 times. Can't wait!
Horrific weather here, a stalled tropical depression is just churning over the Great Lakes giving us a N/NE wind and steady rain all weekend (been like this since Monday.) I've been up here many times over the years for some days-long storms but never seen anything like this. All the dirt roads are washing out. Supposedly there will be a small break tomorrow AM-late afternoon so keeping my fingers crossed.
This is what's killing me! I'm hoping for some kind of a slight wind shift for this afternoon, but I don't think that's likely.(lowers head in disgust) It's frustrating as hell not being able to hunt because of a wrong wind, but when you've got clouds and cool temps it really hurts! I'll have to wait until next week to get out again.
Rain finally let up appx. 10a. Let a doe walk at 15 yards this AM appx 930, she was pretty little. Currently in same area I shot 2 bucks last year. Ironically/coincidentally found half my arrow from my lost buck just laying on ground at the base off the tree I decided to climb this afternoon. Wanted to set up a little closer to the intersection where most of the action was last year, picked a tree, set my climber down and there it was. No nock and busted appx. Halfway down shaft. Hoping for some redemption this season; he was a monster for this public land hunter!
Not too good, saw 1 doe with a fawn this evening, that's it. Pretty uneventful day although I did see a good amount of deer, 8 total. Still enjoyed it, can't complain! Supposed to be real foggy in the morning, hope I can find my stand
Meh, I let a 4 or 6 walk at last light. Other than that didn't see anything. So wet it's hard to hear anything either. The CRP that I walk through to get to my areas is almost chin high now. Brush busting almost a mile in and then back out is not fun with a climber on your back. So I left it chained to the tree for the morning. Going to hunt the same area in the AM, then shift over about 150 yards to the oak knoll if there's no action. The buck I passed tonight came from that direction. All day sit tomorrow??? Bet your rear ends! I'm whupped tonight. Gonna have a cocktail (read: double tall Bulleit Rye) and crash. Back at it in the AM
Uh, yeah me too. Looking like dense fog in the AM. I was lost this morning due to a really heavy mist that fogged out my headlamp; until I had the bright idea to download a GPS backpacking app on my phone. Even though I've hunted this area for a decade the walk in is mostly CRP and it all looks the same in a fog. I got really turned around. Hard to admit even to myself but I was basically blind this AM. The app was accurate to w/in appx 30 yards. Once I got headed in the right direction I was good to go.
Glad they were wrong about the fog, but nothing moving at all today. I gotta be up real early tomorrow, so I'm heading home.
I'm heading in this evening to go after that 10 pt I watched on friday. Got the wind I need to hunt him finally. Still hopeful that the big boy will show back up, and I do have 2 buck tags now!
We need an update. ^ I see I'm going to be on the receiving end of these frigging ENE winds for quite a while, especially with that storm coming up the coast at some point!! This is EXACTLY what happened to me last season with bad winds, and I missed numerous hunting days because of it. That is the absolute worst wind direction for every one of my stand sites. It's just the lay of the land and where the deer bed/travel that makes it so bad. During the rut, I'll have to go in regardless of wind direction though.
Another close call tonight. Had a different buck come out. He stayed out and the closest he got was 75 yards. Got to watch him for 15 minutes until he disappear over the hill right by my truck. He is a awesome looking buck! This is him from a month ago.
Not going to be able to hunt Saturday due to a wedding I must attend, but will get out on Sunday. Really bummed about missing Saturday, we have a 15 degree drop in temps on Saturday after a week of mid 70's weather.
I hear ya Buckeye, I was planning to take this weekend off. But those temps are really making it difficult
I got a wedding also on Saturday, so no hunting for me this weekend. But the a big temperature drop on Monday, so I will be in the stand that day .