can not wait for the season to start sept 14,have been scouting all summer,and shooting the bow,ready to go
Alright gentlemen (and ladies if we have any) looks like a few familiar names on the list. I'm excited to get the year started, although most of my energy this summer has been focused on getting my wife and good friend from out of state a bear here in WI. I also have a South Dakota rifle tag in early November that I'll probably ramble on too much about, so forgive me. Hopefully I can tag out before I head out there.
I will bold the names as the team checks in. Team 17- 1jody256 ALT3 Beagle001 buckeye early in FEB Holt Mo_bowhnter smctitan Tribal whitetailjunky3 WIarrowslinger dnoodles If you don't mind, let's start off with a little introduction like our man Beagle did. I hope we have an active team thread, it makes the contest much more enjoyable. I am 36 years old and live in NE Ohio not far from the Pennsylvania line. I mostly hunt Ohio but do hit PA every now and then. I have a wife and two boys, one is 7 and the other is almost 3 years old. I have been in the contest here every year since it started and was fortunate enough to win twice and almost three-peat. Last year was the first time I failed to enter a buck in the contest, I had my worst season since probably 1999 or 2000 last year. Extra motivated this season.
I'm here! I like the looks of this team! I stepped up this year and leased 450 acre farm this year in the county I live in. Which just so happens to have the biggest bucks in the county. I'm also married and have a 3 year old daughter. Just bought a new house with 3 acres last October. First thing I did was put out camera and ended up getting 3 monsters on camera last year at the house! I will post some pics later. Been on the forum for a few years but just start doing the contest the last 2 years and have not shot a buck since I signed up. Missed a chip shot at big 10 pt last year during the rut and that is the only buck I pulled my bow back on in 3 years. I got to stop being picky.
Checking in! I'm a 20 year old college student from Wisconsin which should allow me to hunt a lot. I have been on the forums for a few years now. I did the contest two years ago but didn't shoot anything. I have yet to kill anything with my bow but that's because I've been holding out. Super excited for this season and should be a good year!
I'm here too. My name is Sean and I live/hunt in Maryland. I'm 36 years old, married and have a 20 month old son. The past two years have been pretty tough for me and did not check in a buck either year. My son being older will allow much more tree stand time this season. I hunt a few small public land spots in central Maryland but have my big lease over on the eastern shore which is prime whitetail area. I've been a member here for 5-6 years and I like the looks of this team. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i guess should have started this thread a little diffirent,but anyway i am a 58 yr young retired carpenter.i bowhunt in fl. from sept. to feb. for swamp donkeys.good luck to everyone!
No problem man, I'm a self employed carpenter also. Which is nice that I can cut out of work early any time I want to go hunt!
Hi folks, early in is checking in! I'm the same guy that's been here for 8 years now. I'm 59 this past Sat, single, never married, and I'm an arborist. Bowhunting is my strongest passion, and I put the time and effort in to be a deer killer. Not big deer, just deer. lol Here's my buck from last year, and I hope I can produce again this year for TEAM 17! I agree, participation is important for the team effort. I will be a contributor.
We have had 7/12 check in so far. I do not recall the story on your buck from last year. Have a link to the story? Happy Birthday.
Thanks buckeye. The story is rather short with this buck. I had gotten numerous cam pics of this guy, both day and night, but didn't actually see him until the early morning of Nov 14. Actually, that particular Sat was going to be my last all day sit for the season. I got in an hour before first light, like I always do on an all day hunt. I had already done 5 dark to dark hunts the previous week, so I was getting burnt out! lol It was 6:50AM when he came by on the tail of a hot doe, so I put an end to his lady chasing!! Why doesn't it say "Team 17 Official Thread" in bold letters like all the other teams? Just curious.
Hi early in, that is great looking buck! I remember the story last year. On the title of thread I think the only way to change is to get Fitz to do it. But if we decide to do a team name, he would be changing it again. Has anyone been thinking of a team name yet? Also does anyone interested in becoming captain?
I was thinking "Buck Busters" might be a good team name? As far as team captain, I'm good with anybody other than myself. My Dad's literally on his death bed, so he's getting most of my attention right now.
I will hunt about 80% public. 1jody256 can edit the title of the thread. Click edit post. Then click go advanced. Here you can edit the threads title.
Mine starts Sept 17th! I hope my two big white oaks are dropping this year, they should be, because they didn't last year. Usually every other year.
I guess I didn't get overly in depth in my intro, so I'll continue... My name is Ryan and I am a 5th generation farmer/cattle dealer. We share 240 acres in central Wisconsin with some of our cousins. Season starts here September 17 as well. Slowly getting the last few remaining stands hung and moved around. Had some bad luck last year, but also passed on some real nice bucks, so hopefully my patience and persistence pays off this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk